Satanic Membership Info


Mendapatkan keanggotaan dalam Satanic bukan hal yg mudah. Kami tidak meminta keanggotaan atau menerima orang yg kredibilitasnya tidak jelas. Kami adalah club elit dan uang 1 Juta tidak akan membeli jalan masuk ke strata tertinggi keanggotaan, kami merasa perlu untuk menyaring semua pelamar. Hanya mereka yang sungguh-sungguh tertarik Satanic dan Magick (ilmu gaib) baru di pertimbangkan untuk direkomendasikan.

Satanis berasal dari berbagai latar belakang dan bidang kehidupan. Banyak dari mereka berbagi keinginan untuk memperbaiki diri melalui penerapan prinsip-prinsip Satanic. Sebelum Anda mengajukan permohonan untuk menjadi Satanis diwajibkan Anda membaca The Satanic Bible yg dikarang oleh Anton LaVey.

Para Satanis baru DILARANG! mengorbankan binatang, pemujaan setan jahat, berpartisipasi dalam pesta pora, melecehkan anak-anak atau melanggar hak orang lain! Kami adalah sebuah organisasi yang terbuka studi Satanism, Necronism, Witch, Gothic, dan mata pelajaran budaya lainnya. Cintailah agama yang anda peluk karena kami bukan gerakan anti agama.

Spoiler for Contribution
Dengan Donation ini anda mendapatkan:
  • Satanic Bible di Blessing Rev. Michael
  • Holy Spirit (Roh Kudus) untuk membimbing anda mengerti dalam membaca Satanic Bible, kitab ini tdk ada gunanya bila di baca oleh orang awam tanpa bimbingan Holy spirit. Anda butuh bimbingan Holy Spirit utk mengerti
  • Ring of Satan (Spirit of Satan)

    Spoiler for Satan
    Satan sudah tidak asing dan sudah sangat terkenal membantu kehidupan setiap orang untuk mencapai kepuasan duniawi, kesuksesan dalam hidup. Harta, tahta, wanita. Semua itu pasti akan tercapai dengan guide dari satan, maka dari itu tidak heran semua orang sukses bersinergi dengan Satan.


    - Attract love
    - Attract luck
    - Attract wealth
    - Psychic shield
    - Menghancurkan saingan
    - Memberikan ide bisnis
    - Menjadi orang yg disegani
    - Disukai oleh orang
    - Dll

Rp. 2.666.666

Spoiler for Contribution

Dengan Donation ini anda mendapatkan:
  • Satanic Bible di Blessing Rev. Michael
  • Satanic Rituals di Blessing Priest. Billy
  • Holy Spirit (Roh Kudus) untuk membimbing anda mengerti dalam membaca Satanic Bible, kitab ini tdk ada gunanya bila di baca oleh orang awam tanpa bimbingan Holy spirit. Anda butuh bimbingan Holy Spirit utk mengerti

  • Pendant of Lilith & Ring Of Lilith
    Spoiler for Lilith

    Lilith, or called by the Akkadian means Lilitu Female Night Being / demon, the devil female compatriots who often appeared in the erotic dreams of a man & sex with him in a dream. His name is often associated with the occurrence of storms, desert sand and disease.

    Lilith is a nickname for The Beautiful Maiden, where he did not have mammary glands in the breasts and unable to bear children. According to some information Lilith is described as a woman who has legs like a bird and has a pair of wings, similar to descriptions in Greek Harpy

    According to the Jews before Eve came Adam already has a partner named Lilith who were both created from the ground, but for refusing sex. Lilith refused to lie down with the argument that they were made of the same substances that have distinguished the degree of alignment.

    Lilith then fled and returned to his home near the red sea, in which Adam reported this to the god who commissioned the three angels, namely Sanvi, Sansanvi, & Semangelaf to fetch Lilith. but unfortunately Lilith refused to be picked up three angels even in the Red Sea he was in touch with the Demon & gave birth to 100 children every day


    - Suitable For People who want to be a Playboy
    - Attract love
    - Bring a beautiful woman in your life
    - Read past, present and future.
    - Detects objects Mustika, inheritance, property within a few miles around
    - Being good at predicting
    - Easily find a beautiful woman
    - Protected by the Spirit of Beauty From Lilith Group
    - Enhanced High-Level Supranatural
    - More sensitive on Spiritual Energy

    Special Feature:
    - Wealth High-Level
    - Looking at Opportunities Lucky
    - Good Fortune
    - And Much More Other capabilities that are known after the use of

Rp. 3.666.666

Spoiler for Contribution
Dengan Donation ini anda mendapatkan:
  • Satanic Bible di Blessing Rev. Michael
  • Satanic Rituals di Blessing Priest. Billy
  • Holy Spirit untuk membimbing anda mengerti dalam membaca Satanic Bible, kitab ini tdk ada gunanya bila di baca oleh orang awam tanpa bimbingan Holy spirit. Anda butuh bimbingan Holy Spirit utk mengerti
  • Ring of Satan, Pendant of Lilith, Ring Of Lilith (Wujud Ring sengaja di rahasiakan)

    Spoiler for Lilith
    Lilith, or called by the Akkadian means Lilitu Female Night Being / demon, the devil female compatriots who often appeared in the erotic dreams of a man & sex with him in a dream
    His name is often associated with the occurrence of storms, desert sand and disease.

    Lilith is a nickname for The Beautiful Maiden, where he did not have mammary glands in the breasts and unable to bear children
    According to some information Lilith is described as a woman who has legs like a bird and has a pair of wings, similar to descriptions in Greek Harpy

    According to the Jews before Eve came Adam already has a partner named Lilith who were both created from the ground, but for refusing sex
    Lilith refused to lie down with the argument that they were made of the same substances that have distinguished the degree of alignment.


    - Suitable For People who want to be a Playboy
    - Attract love
    - Bring a beautiful woman in your life
    - Read past, present and future.
    - Detects objects Mustika, inheritance, property within a few miles around
    - Being good at predicting
    - Easily find a beautiful woman
    - Protected by the Spirit of Beauty From Lilith Group
    - Enhanced High-Level Supranatural
    - More sensitive on Spiritual Energy

    Special Feature:
    - Wealth High-Level
    - Looking at Opportunities Lucky
    - Good Fortune
    - And Much More Other capabilities that are known after the use of

    Spoiler for Satan
    Satan sudah tidak asing dan sudah sangat terkenal membantu kehidupan setiap orang untuk mencapai kepuasan duniawi, kesuksesan dalam hidup. Harta, tahta, pasangan hidup. Semua itu pasti akan tercapai dengan guide dari satan, maka dari itu tidak heran semua orang sukses bersinergi dengan satan.


    - Attract love
    - Attract luck
    - Attract wealth
    - Psychic shield
    - Menghancurkan saingan
    - Memberikan ide bisnis
    - Menjadi orang yg disegani
    - Disukai oleh orang
    - Dll

Rp. 4.666.666

Magick Skill kemampuan gaib yg di dapat dari itu semua:
- Opening Sixth Sense
- Ajna Cakra & 3rd Eye Activation
- Mengetahui perasaan orang lain
- Time Travel
- Astral Projection 
- Dll akan terus meningkat jika terus anda latih.

Berikut ini bukan ajakan ataupun anjuran untuk ikut. Karena kami tidak menerima ke anggotaan dalam bentuk apapun 

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